Solo Travel

8 Best Solo Travel Apps: Every Solo Traveler Should Have

Best Solo Travel Apps

Traveling solo provides several perks, and with a few apps downloaded to your phone, you can enjoy your adventures even more. Here’re the 8 best solo travel apps to enjoy your next expedition to the fullest. People usually travel in groups or with their family, as this is the most conventional style. Yet, when going alone, the traveler can get to know themselves better as they take in the sights of the world. Traveling solo is also more affordable, a perfect confidence booster, and can greatly reduce stress.

Travel Apps That are Driven By the Latest Technology

Solo traveling has many advantages, but you can’t leave all possible mishaps behind. When you travel with family, friends, or co-workers, you can communicate with them on the directions, transportation, places to eat, and the logistics. However, one repercussion of traveling solo is that you have no one familiar to turn to for such details, questions, and information.

Over the decades, traveling has changed drastically due to the advancements of technology. Gone are the days when tourists brought travel guide books, paper maps, and the like to their destinations. These are not only time-consuming to browse through, but they also can steal time away from exploring the location. Travel apps can greatly remedy this problem; these pieces of technology have provided travelers with a more efficient way to get information on the duration of their trips.

Such solo travel apps can navigate you around, let you search for the most affordable flights and accommodations, and more. They let you reserve flights and accommodation at their best prices, let you compare various hotels, tour packages, and more, allow you to organize yourself. Simultaneously, on the road, inform you about foreign exchange rates and so much more. In other words, they make traveling a whole lot simpler; now you can plan your solo trip based on your travel style and needs. Without further ado, let’s get to know the best solo travel apps you can download and enable during your trips.

Must-Have Solo Travel Apps

8 Must-Have Solo Travel Apps

Get your gadgets and mobile devices ready to install these solo travel apps for the adventurer’s best travel experience.


Traveling solo will re-shape the way you enjoy your trips. Simultaneously, it can likewise feel different because of the lack of companions you have around you. Not when you have solo travel apps like SoloTraveller. Listed by many as one of the top travel apps, SoloTraveller is categorized as a social travel app that connects you with travelers in your destination.

At times it may be best to travel alone, but there are also tours that are best taken with groups. Whether you’d like to meet locals, do some sightseeing, or share a ride in a cab, there are endless opportunities for solo adventurers on this app. Backpackers and solo travelers love this app as it instantly connects them with a social sphere each time they need it to.

Downloadable on both iPhone and Android, SoloTraveller also allows you to meet local people, find travel partners, search for nearby backpacking areas, share your travel experiences on a feature similar to Facebook, build a network of travelers, locate hotels and restaurants, and stay updated with what’s happening near you.


When it comes to dealing with emergencies, nothing could be better than opening the ICE app. ICE is the app that stands for “In Case of Emergency,” and is very useful for solo travelers who have no one to turn to in case of emergencies when hiking, skiing, cycling, or getting from Point A to Point B.

This app lets you store various health information, including your medical history, blood type, allergies, and medications that suit you. It also has your physician’s contact information, emergency contact details such as your residential phone number, or the contact information of relatives. It is your go-to app when you deal with medical situations that should be attended to quickly. ICE is free to download on both iPhone and Android. This app is a must-have. Again loneliness is common for a first-time solo traveler. So before you embark on your first trip, try these tricks to deal with solo travel loneliness.


The app is helpful to use whenever solo travelers want to share a meal with the good company of other people. One of the best ways to meet new friends is over a good meal and, after all, it is almost always more enjoyable to dine with more people around.

EatWith - Travel App

Gathering data in more than 130 countries worldwide, EatWith will provide you with information on the best food tours, dinner parties, cooking classes, and more so you can “eat with” people who share similar interests. EatWith can tell you where to find the most mouth-watering paella in Madrid or where you can learn how to cook authentic lasagna in Rome. There are many hosts on the app who enthusiastically share reliable information with the app’s community.

There are two groups of individuals in the app. Travelers can select their destination and use their location to browse unique food experiences, or connect with food hosts. On the other hand, hosts can share their schedules, chat with guests, and share information through the app. It is available for use on the web, iOS, and Android.

Travel Smart

Traveling solo means that you must also travel smart. Do you need to know about the local weather, foreign exchange rates, etiquette, whether you should tip or not? Travel Smart is where you can find your answer. Just search the Apple app store and download this useful tool.

This app has the excellent feature of government travel push notifications, providing you a way to call your local embassy or consulate. You can also access government resources, language learning, tips for cultural etiquette, national holidays, a  currency converter tool, travel advice, police, and ambulance contact details, time difference calculator, a seven-day weather forecast, dangerous locations, Google Maps, and more.

Travel Smart also offers in-app purchases, subscriptions, and memberships. Download the app for free on the App Store.


Skyscanner is a top-rated app among travelers, so you cannot miss out on this hub for  travel social media groups, communities, and traveler conversations. It is where you can find affordable airlines, hotels, car rentals, and more.

Available for download on both iOS and Android, Skyscanner is useful for solo travelers when they need to book flights on a multi-destination trip or reserve flights right before leaving. Let Skyscanner organize everything for you.


Some solo travelers will unleash the influencer in them, taking snapshots and selfies of themselves with the background of the landmarks, recording videos, and uploading them for their social media followers, friends, and subscribers to see. With such demands, you need to have the Lightroom app with you.


What is this app, you ask? Lightroom comes from Adobe, the brand responsible for Photoshop, Reader, Illustrator, InDesign, and more. Available on both iOS and Android, this app is perfect for solo travelers who do not have their teammates to help them when editing their shots. It lets you professionally edit your photos ready for posting on all your social media.


Women travelers may have specific preferences while visiting their destination. Tourmaline is a female travel app exclusively for women to help them findtravel companions should they want to deviate from their solo adventure to tour with people who share the same goals and vision.

The Tourlina market research showed that women want to travel with female companions to avoid the potential of romantic entanglement with male companions. You only need to enter a trip by country and time, and the app works like Tinder, wherein you can select potential travel companions by swiping left or right. In this way, you can control who you want to be with depending on characteristics and particular preferences. This app for women travelers is available for download on both iPhone and Android. Here’re a few more tips for solo woman travelers who want to enjoy their life and freedom.

Rosetta Stone

Last but not the least on our list of the best solo traveling apps is the Rosetta Stone app. Download this on iOS, Android, or via their website. Inspired by the famous artifact, Rosetta Stone is one of the oldest language-learning programs worldwide. This app will teach solo travelers the language they want to learn for effective communication on their journey.

This app can be used each night before sleep to learn from the interactive and contextual lessons, so you are ready to blend in with the locals, communicate with them, and immerse yourself in your travels the following day. As a general rule, absorbing the culture of the place you visit is easier when you are knowledgeable of their dialect.

Innovating Your Search for Travel Accommodations

Here is the complete guide of best solo traveler apps; right as you store these solo travel apps on your mobile phone or device, you can also have Rental Trader at your fingertips. It is the best web resource for vacation rentals that keep listings of the best accommodations in many locations globally. Whether you are looking for lodging that is reminiscent of your home or a small single bedroom near a landmark in your destination, Rental Trader has got you covered.

We have listings of vacation rentals in cities such as New York, San Francisco, Houston, and more destinations in the United States. Your solo trip is going to be much easier to manage with Rental Trader.

For more information about Rental Trader, see our Contact page to fill out the web form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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